How to make money selling tf2 items

how to make money selling tf2 items

By unanormal, April 23, in Itdms Fortress 2 Economy. I believe the sites you are refering to as «closed down by valve» are mostly gambling sites and not cashout sites like opskins or marketplace. Neither site pays you directly, you put your items up for sale, and once the are bought by someone on the other end, the site pays you and takes a small commision. Id recommend marketplace. Opskins can be confusing to some people and they require you to send in your id and shit to confirm identity and age. Just made a guide on. Yes, it is possible to get real money from tf2 items. The best site to sell your items is marketplace. I doubt skins. Just quicksell whatever items you got for keys and throw them on marketplace. I’d either list the hats on marketplace. Take note that marketplace.

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Beermoney Demographics, This includes new posts, comments, and asking people to pm you for one. More Info. You must include the minimum payout, payout options, type of work, etc. Be transparent about the average expected income, and how much of your income comes from referrals. Include the name of the site in the title of your post. Add flairs for countries. Showing proof of payment is encouraged. No ref links on bragging posts about how much you’ve made or what you’ve bought.

Purchase history on market

Get Started. Gameflip is the simplest way to sell TF2 items, whether you no longer want it or just need some cash. You can sell any in-game items on Gameflip that you can transfer to the buyer’s game account. Whether it’s a cosmetic skin or a rare item, you can sell them all on Gameflip. Simply list your TF2 items using our website or our free mobile app. Choose code auto delivery, coordinate transfer, or Bot delivery if applicable. With coordinate transfer, arrange with the buyer to send the item to the buyer account when the item is sold. After the buyer receives your item and completes the transaction by rating, the sale proceeds are immediately deposited into your Gameflip wallet. You can choose to withdraw your sale proceeds any time or spend it on building your next collection. Still have more questions?

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