This web site works best with Firefox 2 or higher, Internet Explorer 6 or higher, or Safari 3 or higher. If you have problems using this site, please try a different web browser. Contact us. The Author Page on Amazon. Helping customers get to know you is an effective way to introduce them to—or better educate them about—your books. On the Author Page, we display essential information about authors—including bibliographies, biographies, author photos, and even feeds to blog posts. You use Author Central to personalize the contents of the Author Page dedicated to your books. Sections are always available in Author Central so you can add or change the information later. We start the creation process for an Author Page as soon as you sign up for Author Central. It can take 3 to 5 days for the Author Page to appear on the Amazon. You can begin adding content to an Author Page as soon as you sign up.
A short time ago, I launched my very first self published Kindle ebook. The book was released under a brand new pen name as part of my authority site project. We did all of this with essentially no audience, no email list, and no prior experience selling books as a self-published author on Amazon and of course with traditional publishers. I have not leveraged my audience or my name on Amazon. I launched my book from scratch, the same point that any of you out there would start from. The best part about this business is that you can literally have something up and selling on the Amazon Kindle store in a relatively short period of time. But if you want a direct mentor to show you the ropes and give more personal guidance, there is an option. Chandler Bolt was one of the first people I heard of who did well by self publishing. You can check out his podcast interview here. You can click here to sign up for a free webinar where he reveals his course.
The UK-based author, Mark Dawson , writes thrillers and crime novels, and has sold , copies of his thriller series about a British assassin named John Milton. Here are some practical tips for succeeding as a self-published author based on what worked for Dawson:. Once your book makes one of these lists, even within a subcategory, other readers are more likely to see and download it. And if your book does well on the free list, some of that clout will carry over into its sales rank once your book goes back to its regular price. Dawson tried this strategy when he released his first self-published book, The Black Mile , and readers grabbed 50, copies in one weekend. But this strategy can give a much-needed boost to a new release. But the truth is, if you want to make a living as a writer, you have to be more than a writer. Dawson follows many of the best practices for growing a loyal community online: he has grown an email list so he can communicate with readers about upcoming releases, engages with his community on Facebook and offers seminars to other writers who want to self-publish as well. Many successful entrepreneurs use Facebook ads to reach their target market, and it can be an effective tactic, so long as you learn how to do it effectively.
The Atlantic Crossword
Latest Issue. Past Issues. He was—and at the time of this writing, still is—ranked above J. Rowling No. His most recent book is ranked tenth on Amazon Charts, which Amazon launched after The New York Times stopped issuing e-book rankings, and which measures sales of individual books on Amazon. The company does not disclose the metrics behind Author Rank, which is still in beta. While he may not be as familiar a name as the big authors marketed by traditional publishing houses, and may not have as many total book sales, Omer is making an enviable living from his writing. Now, he makes more money than he did as a computer engineer.
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There are several ways to publish your work online… and make money, too! But one service, in particular, has become the go-to resource for authors because of the profit potential and ease of use : Amazon self-publishing. Regardless of your experience level, Amazon has democratized the publishing business so anybody with an interest and desire to write and publish a book can do it. Anybody can use this platform to get their work out into the world and into the hands of waiting audiences. According to Author Earnings, there were ,, ebooks sold on Amazon by 20, unique publishers. As the world’s largest online bookstore there’s an opportunity to get your book self-published on Amazon and reach your target audience regardless of your topic. Children’s books. Popular categories on Amazon include self-help, health and fitness, cooking, hobbies, romance, travel, young adult… the list goes on. You can bet there is an audience for just about any topic out there. You might already have a topic or topics in mind. In both cases, you should check out Amazon and scan all the different categories and bestseller lists. This will give you an idea of what themes or subjects sell and have profit potential. If you see your idea often when doing this search — run with it.
Now what? The self-publishing services offered by websites like Amazon have made it easier than ever for aspiring authors to get their works out. To publish a book on Amazon, start by creating a Oyu Direct Publishing account and formatting your book according to Amazon’s standards. Then, decide whether you want to publish a digital book or a paperback book, or. Next, log into your Kindle Direct Publishing account, and upload your book and some cover art.
Finally, set a price your book, and publish it through your account. For tips on how to set a price for your published book on Amazon, scroll down! This article was co-authored by our trained team of editors and researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness. Together, they cited information from 21 references. Categories: Featured Articles Amazon. Chelsea Dawn Colbert. Log in Facebook Loading Google Loading Civic Loading No account yet?
Mufh an account. Edit this Article. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. By using our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Article Edit. Learn why people trust wikiHow. It also received 17 testimonials cann readers, earning it our reader-approved status. Learn more Finalize your book. Scan your final draft for typos, syntactical errors and passages that are unnecessary or difficult to follow.
Trim as much as you can to really tighten up your composition. The easier booj is to read your book, the better it will be received. Amazon has a strict set of content quality standards, so if your book is riddled with mistakes, it could be rejected.
Create a Kindle Direct Publishing account. There, you can input your personal information, including your name or the name of your independent publishing companyaddress, zip code, email and phone number. Amazon will use the contact information you provide to send you important notifications throughout the publication process.
If you already have an account with Amazon, you can use your login info to create a separate KDP profile. Choose your preferred publication format. With KDP, you have the option of having your book printed as a traditional paperback or in digital e-reader form.
Consider which would be the better way to present your work. If your book is a young adult thriller, for instance, it may have more appeal to paperback collectors, while a self-help will be more accessible to those doing their reading on a mobile device. Amazon will claim a small percentage of each sale to recoup the printing costs of paperback books.
Get your book formatted properly. Fortunately, Amazon has made this easy by providing a few useful guides for helping you prepare your work with minimal hassle. Follow the steps outlined in the tutorials on the KDP website to get your book looking presentable.
Go to your Bookshelf in your KDP account. Enter your book details. This will include your name, the title of the book, a short description and the appropriate age range, among other things. Take your time filling out each item—the more complete your listing is, the better chance your book will have of getting noticed. Choose or create the cover art for your book. Professional-looking bolk art will make your book more attractive to potential buyers.
Upload your book. Preview your cover design and yo layout. Use the preview function to see how your finished book will look. Once again, pay close attention to glaring typos or formatting errors.
This will be one of your last chances to make any important changes before you send the book off to be published. It may be worth previewing your book on several devices to publisihng an idea of how it will look across the board.
Set a price for your book. Settle on a price you think is fair. Take into account the format of the book, as well as the marketability of its subject matter. For example, it would be reasonable to charge more for a paperback textbook on theoretical physics than for a short eBook aimed at children.
It may help to look at similar titles for reference when deciding on a price for your listing. Publish your book. You can continue to update your listings even after your book has been officially published.
Check your sales, feedback and other stats through your KDP account. Log in to your user portal periodically to see how your title is doing. Amazon provides daily reports to authors who use their services to publish their works. This allows you to observe how often your book is being bought and lent in real time, making you an active participant in the business side of things.
Royalty statements are sent out approximately every 60 days. How do I see my publishihg sales for my book that was published on a Kindle? You have to go to the Reports section, which is beside the Bookshelf button. Yes No. Not Helpful 2 Helpful 3. Not Helpful 1 Helpful 4. Not Helpful 1 Helpful 9. Unanswered Questions.
What happens to an Amazon published author’s royalties if they die? Can the author designate someone to receive the royalties? Answer this question Flag as Flag mch Can I publish a book on Amazon in Ebook format and paperback format at the same time? Can I publish a book for free on an Amazon Kindle? Can I keep updating my book content once I have uploaded and puboishing it on Amazon? Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered.
Already answered Not a question Bad question Other. Tips Getting a book published has never been easier, but you should still make an effort to produce quality work that you can be proud of. Solid writing will help you build a devoted reader base. Select the keywords and categories for your listing carefully. These will be instrumental in making sure your book shows up in search results. Books on unique niche topics tend to fare better in the self-publishing market If you want your book to reach more eyes, consider signing up for KDP Select.
Amazon will be making money off your book, too, so they should be willing to work with you to see that can you make much money publishing a book on amazon process goes smoothly. When you self-publish online, your book will amason be sold in stores. Related wikiHows. Article Summary X To publish a book on Amazon, start by creating a Kindle Direct Publishing account and formatting your book according to Amazon’s standards.
Did this summary help you? Did this article help you? Cookies make wikiHow better. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Co-Authored By:. Co-authors: 5. Updated: March 29, Chelsea Dawn Colbert Mar 26, I am glad for your step-by-step approach. It seems easy enough the way that you have thoughtfully broken down the information.
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