How much money does a landscape business make

how much money does a landscape business make

Starting any new business can be a sleep-depriving, nail-biting experience for anyone, and starting a new landscape business is certainly no different. It takes time, money, perseverance and sometimes a lot of luck. Freshly-minted landscape professionals complain that every time they turn around they have to buy something lnadscape to get the job. My response to all of the challenges and issues that can arise with starting a new landscape business is the same to lansdcape new owner: take the time to write a good business plan. Many problems can be avoided by understanding early on where you want your new business to go and what it will cost to get. When I started out, I was driving a Volvo four-door sedan hand-me-down with its fair share of mechanical problems. My first job was working on weekends for a college buddy. My second job was working for a gifted perennial gardener who was self-employed.

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Each year the landscape industry hires , men and women for careers that positively impact families, their communities, and the environment. Professionals are drawn to the field by the opportunity to work outdoors , the chance to work in a people-oriented industry and the desire to make a good living to support themselves and their families. Fortunately for almost one million men and women who work in the industry, that is incorrect! Sure, employees who start in the industry with no relevant experience or education earn entry level wages but those who excel in their initial tasks are rewarded with increasing responsibilities, promotions, and corresponding compensation. Those who come out of college with industry-focused training or those who complete apprenticeships or move up within a company, can expect to have their expertise handsomely rewarded. In this industry, talent is handsomely rewarded! The point is, this is an industry of professionals who use their hands but more importantly, their minds. They are problem solvers. They take initiative. They often interface with customers and clients.


Hartman is the primary salesperson, manager and so much more — like most small business owners in the green industry. Figuring out a reasonable wage is tough. You can set a salary that will ensure you meet your basic living requirements, or you can project a salary based on worth, usually meaning a current market value minimum plus a little more. After the business goes beyond break-even, owners may pay themselves a bonus, along with a weekly fair market rate. Hartman considered what he pays his operations manager. Still, you work hard and you deserve to be paid a fair wage. The question is, what is really fair, and how can you draw a decent salary while maintaining solid profit margins and funding business growth. Jim Huston, president of J. This is about 12 percent of sales, he notes. So based on profitability, an owner could take a higher or lower salary. This is pre-tax. After all, the bills and employees must be paid.

how much money does a landscape business make

Lawn & Landscape Radio Network

When you think back to the long, lazy summers of your youth, chances are some time was spent trudging along behind a lawn mower, pushing with all your might and sweating profusely, just so you could make a few bucks to buy some baseball cards or a really cool bike. You may have occasionally mowed down a few pansies or zebra-striped a lawn, but you sure were proud when the homeowner came to the door, surveyed your handiwork, and forked over the agreed-upon fee. Mowing lawns or landscaping residential or commercial properties for a living will give you that same sense of pride-while earning you some pretty serious cash. The Pros There are many advantages to running a homebased lawn care or landscaping service. You’re master of your own destiny, and you can devote as much or as little time to the business as you want. You have a short commute to work if you’re based in your own community. You can work at your own pace and at virtually any time during regular daylight hours. You also can enjoy the fresh air, get a good cardiovascular workout, and bulk up your muscles. The price of all this freedom and body contouring is relatively low-so low, in fact, that many new lawn service owners and landscapers use their personal credit cards or small personal loans to fund their new businesses. Once you invest in the tools and toys you need to manicure lawns or install landscaping professionally, you’re generally set for years.

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These tips can help you do them. There are a number of software packages like CLIP and LandPro Systems developed specifically for bjsiness that you can use to help mmuch make good estimates. Your mission is to determine what your costs will be, then add in a profit.

Your costs will include everything from materials plants, mulch, topsoil. That will prevent any misunderstandings later and gives you a legal leg to stand on in the event a client defaults on the financial terms of the agreement. Landscaping experts recommend having a standard contract even for maintenance jobs.

In that case, you can simply present a bill when the work is finished. Finally, to make an accurate guess on what to charge, be sure to make a site visit. Of course, before you busienss give an estimate, you have to lanvscape up with a price you can use as a baseline. Landscaping professionals recommend coming up with an hourly rate, both for yourself and your employees. There are many ways to determine your rate.

First, compare your prices to those of your competition. Enlist the help of friends mich family to ladscape you contact companies in your target market area that offer services similar to what you plan to offer. Another good way to determine your rate is to figure out how much it would cost you to, say, install sod materials plus laborand then divide that amount by the number of hours it would take you to complete the job. If you want to work 35 hours a week, a four-week month would be hours a month.

You can mark that cost up or at least round it upthen add in your profit margin. When determining your rate, think about how much you need to pay the business bills and cover your personal expenses including the mortgage, health insurance, and other household bills. Therefore, you might want to invest in a software package designed especially for landscapers to help you track your business. Landscpae remember to build travel time into your schedule and use an online mapping site like Google Maps to landscap your route for the day.

When you have more work than you can personally handle, you may need to take the plunge into hiring employees. Here are the types of employee you may find you need:. Just be sure to screen your subcontractors carefully before hiring. Entrepreneur Media, Inc. In order to understand how people amke our site foes, and to create more valuable experiences for you, we may collect data about your use of this site both directly and through our partners.

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Watch this video to learn exactly why this is happening and how to finally make money in your lawn care business. Bhsiness they started the business, things felt good. Then, as the company grew, they felt like they could never get ahead…feeling trapped by the growth. Again, just keeping this simple. Then you decide since you have all the experience, that you can start your own company and make a lot more money. You go out and start a lawn care company. You are now doing the exact amount of work that you were doing for your prior employer. Things feel good. If I could just grow this business more, I could make a whole lot more money. If I were to go get more jobs and hire more employees, think of all the money that I would make.


Running a gusiness landscaping business may seem simple enough: just make more than you spend. However, the formula is much more complicated than it appears, and the development of revenues and control of expenses arent simple matters, according to landscaping experts. Write a Business Plan Entrepreneurship and business programs teach that one of the critical elements in running any profitable business is having a business plan. You can start with something as simple as a mmoney page and let the plan evolve as the business does. According to the U. Small Business Administration, a business plan provides the owner with a written business strategy to monry. Another reason to have a business plan is that you will need it before a bank will approve a business loan or line of credit, which you may need to grow the business. A business plan allocates resources and measures the results of your actions, helping you set realistic goals and make decisions.
