What technician makes the most money

what technician makes the most money

As the title mpney, field service technicians are on-call support technicians who provide emergency services while maintaining communication with their home office while out in the field. They are responsible for working with customers to prevent, troubleshoot, diagnose, and repair issues. As a field service tech, you need to have flexible thinking to solve issues, and an ability to work well with customers. You will also provide training in line with safety regulations for customers. Check out openings on Monster to find Field Service Technician jobs in your area. By commenting, you agree to Monster’s privacy policyterms of use and use of cookies. Thank you! You are now a Monster member—and you’ll receive more content in your inbox soon. By continuing, you agree to Monster’s privacy policyterms of use and use of cookies. Search Career Advice. Related Articles.

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According to The U. Actual salaries may vary greatly based on specialization within the field, location, years of experience and a variety of other factors. Medical technicians have many possibilities to boost their earning potential. For some, this job is a stepping stone to a higher-paying job as a medical and clinical lab technologist. Others will find that certain work settings may pay more than others. Earning a certificate in a specialization can sometimes lead to higher salaries as well. Source: U. People will always get sick or injured keeping most medical careers in high demand. For medical technicians, the aging baby boomer population will continue to create job opportunities. As this demographic gets older, more illnesses will need to be diagnosed, requiring the help and expertise of medical technicians.

From our Obsession

Mechanical maintenance workers, also known as mechanics or service technicians, repair and troubleshoot many different types of mechanical equipment in a variety of industries. However, different types of mechanics tend to earn higher pay. Diesel mechanics maintain the engines of vehicles that run on diesel fuel, such as buses, wheelers and construction vehicles. However, some employers paid even more. HVAC mechanics maintain machines related to heating, refrigeration and air conditioning. Some of them repair equipment in private homes, while others work in industrial or commercial settings. While diesel mechanics are responsible for maintaining diesel engines, mobile heavy equipment mechanics repair the other systems that allow heavy construction vehicles to function properly. Industrial machinery mechanics maintain industrial processing equipment in factories, as well as pipelines that carry oil and natural gas to and from refineries.

9. DevOps engineer: $137,400

What are the average salary ranges for jobs in the Healthcare — Technicians? There are jobs in Healthcare — Technicians category. Salary ranges can differ significantly depending on the job, industry, location, required experience, specific skills, education, and other factors Salaries listed below are U.

10. Information security engineer: $131,300

Sorry, we can’t find that. Please try a different city or state. Without fail, in surveys across basically every demographic, the number one most important aspect of a job for most people is the salary — how much do maintenance technicians get paid where I live? So while your city may be slightly different than the state average, these averages give you a rough sense of what to expect for your salary. To better understand how salaries change across America, we decided to take a look the most recent data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics on average pay for maintenance technicians by state. Additionally, we wanted to adjust the salary based on the cost of living in a state — because your salary goes further in North Carolina than it does in California. The state with the best salary for maintenance technicians after this adjustment? To make the comparison of salaries apples to apples across states, we also took into account the cost of living in each state. We then created an index by dividing the average wage for a state by the cost of living relative to average. As an example, the cost of living index in California is We then ranked every state on this criteria with the state with the highest salary index ranking as highest average salary for maintenance technicians. Toggle navigation.

Technology Careers: A Summary

Imagine your goal in life was simply to make as much as much money as possible. What should you do? For the survey, companies are asked what their employees do and how much they are paid. The data is used by the government to track the number of people in different jobs, focus government tecunician programs, and forecast which jobs mqkes grow in the future. Of the 10 highest-paid jobs, nine of them were types of doctors.

For those looking to get rich, simply knowing that a certain type of job is well-paid may not be. This analysis only includes about of the jobs listed for because the definitions of some jobs changed sinceand some new jobs were added for example, anesthesiologist was not in the dataset.

Due to fracking and new drilling technologiespetroleum engineer tops our list of fast-growing, high-paying jobs. They all involve intensive education to qualify for positions.

It may take decades to pay off the student debt to get one of these jobs, but in the end it is almost certainly worth it. Skip to navigation Skip to content. From our Obsession Future of Work. Rank Job Salary US dollars Total employed 1 Anesthesiologists31, 2 Surgeons, generalomney, 3 Oral and maxillofacial surgeons4, 4 Obstetricians and gynecologists18, 5 Orthodontists5, 6 Psychiatrists25, 7 Family and what technician makes the most money practitioners, 8 Physicians and surgeons other specialists, 9 Chief executives, 10 Internists, general37, 11 Prosthodontists12 Pediatricians, general28, 13 Dentists, all other specialists4, 14 Dentists, general, 15 Nurse anesthetists43, 16 Airline Pilots and flight engineers82, 17 Petroleum engineers32, 18 Computer and information systems managers, 19 Architectural and engineering managers, 20 Podiatrists9,

But for those who develop their technical skills, the rewards can be vast. In Glassdoor’s latest reportthe company broke down the highest-paying tech jobs in the industry, based on average salary. It could give you a good sense of what to focus on, if you’re interested in pursuing a job in Silicon Valley and. That could be through strengthening encryption or generally working to close any security gaps in the company’s infrastructure. An enterprise architect develops the plans and workflows for deploying and maintaining servers, software, and other IT assets. In other words, an enterprise architect is on the hook to come up with or at least, contribute to the IT strategy. A software architect is responsible for setting the overall plan and strategy for executing on building software. You need to be technical for the role, but you’re really setting the pace and goals for other teams of developers. Infrastructure architects will be in charge of the underlying IT systems within a company, which can include servers, data centers, or cloud computing platforms.

Diesel Mechanics

Technology careers are on the rise. If you enjoy technology and have a strong knack for computer operations and networks, a technology career provides a great future. There are many reasons you should work in the tech industry. Techniciqn only is it one of the most active and evolving fields on the planet, it gives you that chance to earn a high-quality income and shows strong evidence noney increasing in demand. First of all, technology progressions, at least right now, are the pinnacle of research, development, and creative thought in the country, if not the world. While traditional sciences such as medicine and engineering certainly hold a share of innovation, no other field seems to give you the opportunity, or the downright encouragement, to create new innovations. Mos is a very exciting prospect for many people.
