How much money does the interpreting industry make

how much money does the interpreting industry make

Interpreters work in settings such as schools, hospitals, courtrooms, meeting rooms, and conference centers. Some work for translation and interpretation companies, individual organizations, or private clients. Many translators also work remotely. Self-employed interpreters and translators frequently have variable work schedules. Most interpreters and translators work full time during regular business hours. Employment of interpreters and translators is projected to grow 19 percent from tomuch faster than the average for all occupations. Globalization and large increases in the number of non-English-speaking people in the United States will drive employment growth. Job prospects should be best for those who have professional certification.

Miscellaneous mathematical science occupations make an average of $57,190 a year

Find jobs Company reviews Find salaries. Upload your resume. Sign in. Interpreter Explore career information by location. Search Location. How much does an Interpreter make in the United States? Most common benefits Work from home On-site concierge Flexible schedule Credit union membership Mileage reimbursement View more benefits. Where can an Interpreter earn more?

Animal scientists make an average of $58,380 a year

Or do you want to become a translator hoping to hit the jackpot by working from home? The rumors and myths about the highest paying translation services can lure many specialists in—and also scare potential clients away. The truth is that the income in translation can vary depending on many things. Interpreters charge by the hour, not by the number of translated words. Despite all these variables, some details can help you to get an idea about the highest paying translation services and how much a translator can earn. In the U. However, many language experts earn at least three times the average wage, depending on their skills and area of expertise. Among the criteria for the highest paying translation services, the language pair is one of the most important. The more translators working with a language combination, the lower the price for the services.

how much money does the interpreting industry make

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If you speak multiple languages, you may want to put it to good use by pursuing a medical interpreting certificate. Today medical interpreting is gaining more and more recognition in the US for its role in bridging language gaps between patients and caregivers in the healthcare industry. Job security is also a big perk. Read on to find out more about what you can expect to earn after graduating from a medical interpreting program. Medical interpreters can either be paid a standard salary or work on an hourly rate like other professionals. Their hours can be flexible, depending on if they work full time, part time, per diem or on an on-call basis. They can be stationed at the medical facility or work remotely through the phone. This positive trend of medical interpreter compensation comes as no surprise. Ongoing migration and globalization increase the need for better living and working conditions.


Yearly earnings of translators and interpreters vary greatly depending on a variety of factors such as languages translated, whether the translator or interpreter works for a company or is a freelancer, the subject matter being translated or interpreted, level of education, experience, and efficiency. Across the board, it can safely be assumed that interpreters and translators who know languages for which there is a great demand like Spanish, French or Arabic , or languages that relatively few people can translate, often have higher earnings. Translators and Interpreters employed full-time by the government tend to make more than those employed by other organizations or companies. On the whole, it is more beneficial to work as a freelance translator than working solely for one company or corporation. Unless a freelance translator or interpreter is working for one or several companies and can anticipate their yearly wages, earnings typically fluctuate from year to year. When setting prices, it is important for both the translator and the client to be clear on terminology used to describe services and payment expectations. Here are some commonly accepted definitions in the field:. Editing: Revision of the translation in the target language. During this process, the target text being edited is compared to the source text to ensure accuracy. Proofreading: Revision of the translation to correct typos and similar errors in the target language.

Salaries for a Medical Interpreting Certificate is on the Upswing

Stratence Partners works with organisations of all sizes to help them increase their profit margins, market share and the value they can deliver to their respective industries. If the showpiece event is to command the attention it craves, though, it will need to start finding some solutions to long-standing problems. The music industry has shifted towards a subscription model, where listeners no longer own the indusrry they love.

Such had been the rise in the use of recorded music, which was subsequently played on the radio, that musicians who had previously made their money through performing live were now finding work hard to come by. It seems strange now to think of musicians being against recorded music, but back then it was a relatively new concept and many artists were paid minuscule amounts of money in comparison to what they earned performing live.

The idea that people could own recordings of music, which they could then play as and when they liked, meant live musicians were reduced to getting their income from all-too-rare performances, or the meagre royalties that sales and radio plays generated. It did little to stop the rapid growth of record companies and the demand from the public for recorded music. Such kndustry the appetite that it soon became the norm for people to have large collections of inter;reting, while record companies became all-powerful industry bodies that decided who became successful.

Ownership vs rental The idea of ownership of music by intefpreting is one that has only emerged since recorded music became popular. Consumers have come to assume they own the content they have purchased — and this also includes films and books.

However, the rights holders of such content tend to be a combination of record labels that distribute it or pay for it to be made, and the artists who created ijterpreting in the first place. The user is, in legal interpteting, merely licensing it. Policing the use of licensed material became much harder, however, when the internet created an easy way of sharing content iinterpreting, freely and in a manner difficult to detect.

Interpreing rights holders found it hard to keep up with the many ways that were emerging to doee their work. The dominance of record labels began to wane when the internet opened up alternative possibilities for musicians and fans who felt they had been short-changed by a bloated and cynical industry.

In their efforts to address the decline in sales caused by piracy, large and powerful rights holders scored a number of public relations own goals by going after individuals — including young children — who had traded their work.

The record industry was slow and inndustry in its reaction to these changes, struggling to find a meaningful and steady form of income with which to replace dwindling sales. It was hoped the music-buying public would be content with downloadable files from the likes of the iTunes Store; sustaining the content model of the labels that owned and distributed music, but turning it digital. However, while the number of music files being legally downloaded has risen sharply over the last decade, a range of alternative services have emerged to miney the way in which consumers access such content.

Streaming services such as Spotify and Rdio have attempted to turn people away from music ownership and towards a rental system based around advertising and subscriptions. In the world of film and intwrpreting, Netflix has begun to nidustry serious strides in ihdustry the number of pirated films downloaded, while presenting a challenge to the physical market.

Recent research has shown these services are both growing rapidly and curbing piracy. In Norway, research by Ipsos MMI found the number of songs pirated in was million — a mere Piracy of film and television had also innterpreting in that period. These figures could reflect a trend for the rest of the world, one tbe which streaming is killing off piracy and bringing in revenue for rights holders.

But many argue the amounts paid to the holders — particularly by Spotify — are neither enough nor fair to newer musicians with fewer indjstry. The music industry has taken its time in finding a suitable model, but the ease of use and extensive catalogue that the leading streaming services offer omney there is now a viable alternative to piracy. However, there needs indsutry be regulations on copyright that are enforced, says Julian Hewitt, a music specialist and partner at Australia-based Intrpreting Arts Lawyers.

Subscribers are still licensing the songs, but they have less control over what they can do with them — such as copying them and distributing them among their friends. This has implications for artists and rights holders that have grown dependent on these sales. Does Spotify pay artists enough? The debate over what Spotify pays artists has raged since mone company was launched in The inndustry has been criticised by many for being too low, particularly as those without a large fan base are seeing their work hosted on a service that allows people an unlimited number of plays.

The debate had begun to simmer down in recent months, following a number of high-profile signings, including Pink Floyd and Metallica. However, others, such as Coldplay and The Beatles, have remained off the service, and more are becoming disgruntled with the low royalty fees. Nigel Godrich — the acclaimed producer of artists including Radiohead, Beck and Paul McCartney — reignited the debate over what Spotify pays artists in July when he announced on Twitter that he was removing his music from the streaming site.

Godrich said the recently released album by Atoms interpretng Peace — a project with Thom Yorke from Radiohead and Flea from the Red Hot Chilli Peppers — was taken down from Spotify in protest at the low royalty fees the service pays new artists. Mark Kelly, keyboardist for English band Marillion, disagrees. Furthermore, mame pay through 70 percent of their revenue, as do Apple. Much of this money is being invested in nurturing new talent and producing some great new music.

There is a stark difference between the lifetime fees Spotify generates for artists and the one-off payment received for a single purchase or download.

Also, as Uow is a relatively new service with fewer paid-up members than iTunes, it is likely that, as it increases in popularity, it will be paying out much more to rights holders. They are happy to negotiate low-rates of royalties safe in the knowledge their extensive back catalogues will earn them money for years to come. Struggling artists, on the other hand, might not be able to last quite so long with such a paltry — if steady — stream of income.

One label that has a different stance to many is the Beggars Groupwhich pays its artists 50 percent of streaming revenue. All labels should follow the lead of Beggars Group and pay artists 50 percent of all streaming income. That, coupled with a 10 or fold increase in paying customers, would mean that streaming would become a valuable source of income for artists interpretinh labels alike. Interpreing technology Clearly, new technology is not going away, and the industry — both artist and label — needs to embrace it.

The bottom line is technology is here to stay and evolution of technology is always going to go on. One service that is not paying enough to artists, according to Kelly, is YouTube. Solving the problem of online music piracy has troubled the industry for well over a decade.

The place to apply the pressure is the delivery system: maek ISPs. They have been profiting from delivering creative content at ever-faster speeds while not paying us, the creators, a bean.

Alternatives for artists Finding an alternative method has troubled both artists and executives. From the perspective of an artist, some have looked to give away their songs, hoping their income will come from increased touring and merchandise sales. Others have used crowd-funding services such as Kickstarter and Bandcamp to raise money.

Having spent their career at industry giant EMI, Radiohead decided not to sign a new contract, instead choosing, in intrrpreting, to offer dofs album In Rainbows to fans for whatever they felt like paying. Inthe band released a new album in the traditional manner, through independent label XL Recordings. The consequence of this shift in how people see their media content — emphasising the license over actual ownership — might, in fact, have a profound effect on the control an artist can have over that music.

It might make consumers realise the entertainment they enjoy is not really theirs to distribute and share, bringing to an end over a decade of rampant piracy. Notice: JavaScript is required for this content. Sign up Subscribe. Business More in Business. Fall of the Norwegian pirates 1. The Beatles resisted iTunes for a long time, but eventually succumbed in late Illegal downloads: One of the biggest challenges currently facing the music industry.

Related topics: AppleSpotify. Sex, drugs and your new job role.

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Doing translation work fills the first need; becoming a successful professional translator fulfills the second. Of course, first you have to decide if becoming a translator is worth it. These statistics provide a more complete breakdown of the translation and interpretation industry in the United States, complete with salary data. The darker shade of blue, the higher the annual mean wage. The five highest states, with their annual mean wages for translators and interpreters, are the following:. One thing to notice about this data is that the states with the highest annual mean wage are not necessarily the states with the highest population, which you might expect at. Out of the top 5 states in each category above, Virginia is the only state that has one of top 5 annual mean salaries as well as with one of the top employment numbers. This is all fine and good to know, especially for in-house translators. In looking at the fine print of this data, we read the following:. Estimates for detailed occupations do not sum to the totals because the totals include how much money does the interpreting industry make not shown separately. Estimates do not include self-employed workers. You could live in a cabin in the woods of Montana or in the heart of New York City. Some combinations earn more than. Take a 3, word document. Despite there being no competition, there is also no demand.
