Recently, Italian researchers published a review of studies concluding planting genetically modified GM maize corn over the past 20 years has increased the agricultural yield of this popular and important staple food. In fact, in the media mentioned this point when the National Academy of Sciences of the United States NAS published an extensive review of about 1, studies about the safety of GM crops. In recent years, new traits such as drought-tolerance and non-browning have been commercially approved. Insect-resistant Bt cropsand those that confer virus-resistance, like the Hawaiian papayareduce crop losses and require fewer phytosanitary products compared to conventional susceptible crops. In the case of herbicide-tolerant GM cropsthey allow a better control of problematic weeds and facilitate the fafmers of more environmentally friendly phytosanitary products, as well as sustainable no-till farming practices. The reduction of losses by pests, viruses and weeds that compete for soil nutrients, together with savings in phytosanitary products and fuel, indirectly increase the final yield when compared with conventional crops. These advantages were moneg documented in two major academic reviews by agricultural economists. The second review is a study published annually covering the data of the global GM crops production. The last version, published in eo, indicates that between andGM crops increased global production by In addition, the report mentions that GM crops significantly reduced the use of agricultural land due to this higher productivity. In alone they prevented almost 20 million hectares from being used for agricultural purposes, thus reducing the environmental impact cultivating forests or wild lands.
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The GLP is committed to full transparency. Download and review our Annual Report. They found that using GM seeds allowed farmers to use less pesticide chemicals and earn more money. This was harder than it sounds because the researchers needed to compare studies that used different methods. They used data and results from different studies. What did they learn? This means that using GMOs was much more helpful to farmers in developing countries than to farmers in more developed countries. First, farmers were able to grow more crops and spent less on pesticide in developing countries. Second, most GM crops are patented in developed countries but not in developing countries.
Fact Sheets. Twenty years ago, the first GMO seeds hit the market. In the decades that followed — as more GMO varieties were adopted and the seed sector rapidly consolidated — ethical, political, legal, environmental, economic and social concerns for the technology have emerged. While many farmers say they are pleased with GMO varieties, many others are disappointed, finding mixed results or facing new problems in the extremely concentrated and corporate-dominated seed sector. These problematic trends affect all farmers, whether or not they plant GMO seeds. Since the commercial introduction of GMOs, the seed industry has rapidly consolidated. For certain crops, the market is even more concentrated. GMO contamination is well documented. According to the International Journal of Food Contamination, almost cases of GMO contamination occurred between and in 63 countries.
Shutterstock Not an actual GMO field. Harn Soper. Harn Soper has a real-world laboratory to test the benefits of farming with genetically modified GM seed. The farms are all in the same microclimate: If a torrential cloudburst hits one farm, it hits them all. So Soper can compare the economics of one farming style against the. The farms owned by the Soper family. I emailed or chatted with farmers until I started to hear the same explanations over and. At harvest the organics slipped a bit: The GM corn produced bushels an acre, versus bushels on an organically farmed acre. But in sales, the organic land surged ahead. Welcome to Las Vegas. The organic land makes less money in the off years of the typical one-year-on, one-year-off rotation, when the farmers grow alfalfa and oats, instead of the soy they grow on the GM farms.
Expert response from Dr. Stuart Smyth. Inone analysis of farkers issue examined the results of studies on the economic impacts of GM crops, finding that on average, farmer profits rose by 68 percent. This assessment included studies of large GM crop production in countries such as the USA, Brazil and Argentina, but also small landholders with less than five acres of land in India, China and South Africa.
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