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When I was younger and ripe for the taking, whoring myself out to old men for an hour or two was my easiest way to secure a fix. It seems it was the safest, quickest, and most reliable way to keep the needle full and the monkey relaxed. It is only right to stop here and give a little insight as to who I am and why you are afforded this peephole to view clips of my life. I was born in Upstate NY, white, privileged, middle class, and happy. When he decided to turn me on to sex, I discovered that loud music could drown out my mental screams. I got even with him the day I covered his precious Harley with gasoline and lit a match and watched it melt away. He took this to new levels. He forced me to fuck and suck him and his friends.

Are You Normal?

The most successful crack dealer in history. I figured that photo was appropriate. In the ghetto, there are crackheads. Crackheads and the ghetto go together like Kool-Aid and fried chicken. Crackheads get their crack from somewhere. I grew up in the projects. This means I spent a lot of time around crack dealers and crack addicts. However, my experience had a unique feature. I spent about 5 years living next to a certified crackhead. When I moved to another housing project, I lived next to a crack dealer for 4 years. The hood is a terrible place to begin with.

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Crackheads value drugs over money


Crackheads are surprisingly functional

There was Willie Jordan, flanked by a dozen friends and a few curious strangers in the back corner of a dimly lit pub. Nonsense, they said, as they formed an ironclad circle around Jordan to protect. He had found himself in this situation so many times before, and he knew when it was time to admit defeat.

So Jordan took a breath, carefully unbuttoned his pants, and pulled out his penis. The audience erupted, delighted to catch a front-row glimpse of the biggest penis in Newcastle. It was a legendary penis in the North East England town, suck dick do drugs make money its owner had become a quasi-celebrity because of it. In his 20s, Jordan ate up the attention, showing off his super-sized schlong to whoever wanted to see it—and as rumors spread, his crowds ballooned.

But Jordan was now pushing 40, and the novelty of being a carnival attraction had long worn off. Desperate to get on with the night, he instinctively swung his big penis around like a piece of rope—the usual act—and stuffed it back into his briefs. The show was. Or so he thought. Whatever will shut him up. But as soon as he brought his prized possession back out, the groupie grabbed it. Jordan fell down and sprinted home. Within 10 minutes, his whole shaft—base to tip—was black and bruised, as if it had been through battle.

Flabbergasted, Jordan flocked to Facebook to post about his crazy encounter. Ten thousand miles across the Atlantic, his friend Jonah Falcon—himself the owner of an abnormally big penis, reportedly the biggest in the world—was the first to comment. This is how it goes for guys with huge penises.

Per data in the Journal of Sexual Medicinethe average flaccid penis is somewhere between 3. Steixner says. See the 5 Craziest Penis Conditions that Dr. Steixner has ever treated. Todd measures 10 inches erect, Jordan one-ups him by about an inch, and Falcon boasts a whopping Being famous for having a big penis sounds pretty great, and to be fair, all of the guys we interviewed for this story have used their good fortune to their sexual advantage. Falcon, for example, became a fixture in the horny NYC underground club scene thanks to his hog.

In my 20s, I was like a kid in a candy store. Compare that number to how much you have to carry the burdens of it around, and the sexual ratio is quite the minority. Take something as simple as riding a bike. I end up just sitting on the thing. If I want to go for a nice ride in the country, the pain distracts from the euphoria of the journey.

Using the restroom is an equally dicey proposition. As for other roadblocks in the bedroom, oral sex is often a nuisance.

For Jordan, the threat of these clumsy conversations looms heavy in his head. Recently, Jordan has instituted a 3-month, no-sex rule. I want a chick who wants to be with me for the right reasons.

While Jordan is looking for love, the newly unemployed Falcon is looking for work—but his manhood is getting in the way. Falcon is a budding actor who wades through desk jobs to pay the bills. Falcon has certainly been approached by producers, but he has rebuffed their offers every time. And men are just dildos as far as porn companies are concerned. How many rich male porn stars do you know aside from Ron Jeremy?

We asked a famous porn director to reveal The Shocking Truth about Porn. Which ultimately begs the question: Does he wish he was smaller? I think so. Call it pecker perspective.

We have this great ability to adapt to our surroundings. Riding a bike is uncomfortable as hell, but I found the way to ride differently than anybody. Type keyword s to search. Today’s Top Stories.

Justin Miller. Advertisement — Continue Reading Below. More From Penis. Does Your Junk Look Smaller? How to Bring it Back.


Johnny Underage of NY punk band No Fucker talks about the first time he turned tricks to fund his heroin habit.

