How do you make money with project payday

how do you make money with project payday

The Project Payday referral program has literally been paying my bills for the last several months. This referral program is said to be one of the best in the industry. For every person who completes this application, you earn a nice commission. For every person who creates a quick profile under your referral link as you can see in the image above which takes less. Check it out. Leave any questions or comments below and I will make sure to get back to you promptly. Thank you! Good Information about Project Payday. I am always looking for Ideas to make extra income online co since I have been paydqy you I know I can count on projct to give me real ways to make money from home. How do you make money with project payday have always came through with your suggestions. Thanks for sharing and your honesty!

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A lot of people want to know does Project Payday really work? I have first hand experience with this company and I can definitely let you know a bit more about what you can expect when you sign up with them. However, I do remember seeing their name somewhere. I just never thought anything of it. PPD has been helping ordinary folks make money online since Their down to earth approach to teaching people a few simple methods of making money online is refreshing. Project Payday is helpful for anyone who wants to make an income online, from newbies to experienced marketers. Newbies joining Project Payday for the first time should go through the trainings in the back office of the web site once activating their accounts. PPD teaches 3 very simple methods of earning money online by utilizing freebie websites. This is explained in detail in their trainings. For the experienced marketer, Project Payday has a really nice affiliate program.

Blogs Advertise with us Help Desk. View First Unread. Registered Member. Share on:. Many people who are trying to make money online have heard about Project Payday. One of the main ways people make money through Project Payday is by referring people to the program. When you sign up for Project Payday you receive two referral links. This may not seem like much but remember the only thing the visitor has to do is enter their information into the homepage. The program is straight forward and allows anyone to make money.



Blogs Advertise with us Help Desk. View First Unread. Registered Member. Share on:. Many people who are trying to make money online have heard about Project Payday. One of the main ways people make money through Project Payday is by referring people to the program. When you sign up for Project Payday you receive two referral links. This may not seem like hoe but remember the only thing the visitor has to do is enter their information into the homepage.

The program is straight forward and allows anyone to make money. If your referrals decide to hoow pay the membership fee to sign up projrct Project Paydayyou increase the chances of your pay rate increasing. For example, if you refer people and only 4 sign up, then your pay rate will decrease. If you refer people and 20 sign up, then your pay rate will increase. Last edited on 25th Jul at AM. Reason: Project Payday, make money with Project Payday. My Personal Project Payday Experience Now that you know mohey Project Payday works, let me tell you my personal experience with the program.

The number one thing you need for this system to work is traffic to your affiliate link. The thing people need to realize is Project Payday is not a get rich quick scheme.

In order to be successful with Project Payday you need to get your link out there in many different places. Its the truth. I have been mske money with project payday for about 3 years. They pay on time and they provide training.

I recommend this program to anyone especially newbies. I am a member, but am having trouble figuring out ways to promote it. I thought about buying traffic from maxvisits, but wasn’t sure. Any ideas on how to promote this? It’s kinda funny Wealthy Affiliate. My experience with ‘Wealthy Affiliate’ was not great. It’s a fairly expensive program and you have to pay every month.

When I was a member their tools kinda sucked. Better info can be found on free forums — this one for example. Xo apples and oranges comparing WA and PP but Project Payday is a yoi fee, they have some good tools and training. It does work, I tried it. It may not be a long-term business plan but noobs can make some quick seed money with it.

Some people do really well with it. I see a lot of moeny like this where people are capitalizing on a popular keyword for a popular program, trash it, and then recommend their own program — which is often more layday a rip-off than what they are trashing. Last edited on 11th Dec at PM. Reason: spelling. I don’t have the best things to say about Project Payday.

Its a good hkw to what the business is about but they don’t give you the full picture. If you sign up there and complete what they call the «Fast Fifty», your really making a mistake. As everybody else has mentioned, freebie trading is about trying offers products witth services from various companies and getting paid to do so. Once you complete a particular offer, your never able to do that offer.

The referral program is what attracts many people there which is getting others to sign up with PPD. Unfortunately this is destroying yoy industry as a whole and Project Payday is hkw a sustainable practice.

I remember when they were very new and I wuth seen them grow. Before the fast fifty they were a good promote of the business, now they are just destroying the larger picture. Your definitely guaranteed to make money with the freebie business. This advice comes from 5 years in the industry. Hope everyone has a happy holiday! BB code is On.

Smilies are On. Trackbacks are Off. Pingbacks are Off. Refbacks are Off. All times are GMT The time now is PM. Recent Entries. Best Entries. Search Blogs. Advertise with maks. Help Desk. Thread Tools. There are a few things people should realize before signing up for Project Payday. Project Payday is not free. Once you enter in your information you will have to complete a sponsored offer.

Once you pay for your membership you get access to the Project Payday back office. In the back office members have access to manuals and training videos that help members get started. When Does Project Payday Pay? If someone from another country tries to enter their information, they will be denied access and you will not receive commission.

My first piece of advice is to use social media. If you have a Facebook or Twitter you can easily just write a post or tweet about Project Payday. You can also utilize sites like Pinterest as many people just hang monry and surf on these websites.

Project Payday is just an opportunity to earn extra income from home, therefore you should be posting your ads in the business opportunity sections. You should use traffic exchanges, forum, and email marketing. You can do offline marketing as. Open up Microsoft Word, create a flyer and print copies.

You can post them around a college, hand mwke out, or place makke on cars to get more exposure. That means not guaranteed leads or signups! The only guaranteed thing vo can buy is clicks to your affiliate link. You can buy a few click solo ads to get you started. Basically, this means that people will click your Project Payday affiliate link and visit the sign up page. Make sure you test small as some solo ad sellers sell low moey traffic. Finally, never buy any traffic from sites selling website traffic.

This type of traffic will not sign up for Project Payday and you risk having your account frozen. Overall, Project Payday works only if you can get traffic to your affiliate link. Posting Rules.

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