How much money do lunch ladies make

how much money do lunch ladies make

Cafeteria workers serve breakfast and lunch to school children during the school year and sometimes during the summer when federal programs fund meals for children in economically disadvantaged families. The position does not usually require any experience and rarely requires more than a high school diploma. Previous employment in the restaurant industry is helpful but not necessary. The selection process is not rigorous. New hires must be old enough to work and are hardly ever young enough to be typical-age high school students. Even though a year-old can work, one is highly unlikely to be employed in a school cafeteria. Such a student would have to drop out of school and then return to a school setting to work.

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Find jobs Company reviews Find salaries. Upload your resume. Sign in. Cafeteria worker Explore career information by location. Search Location. How much does a Cafeteria Worker make in Massachusetts? Most common benefits Prescription drug insurance Dependent health insurance coverage Employee assistance program Paid sick time Visa sponsorship View more benefits. Where can a Cafeteria Worker earn more? Compare salaries for Cafeteria Workers in different locations. Explore Cafeteria Worker openings Compare. Top companies for Cafeteria Workers in Massachusetts. Hawaii State Department of Education.

Do you remember your favorite school lunch? Was it chicken tenders? Burgers or pizza? If you have school-age children, working as a lunch lady will let you keep the same daily schedule as your kids, with time off for holidays and summer vacation. According to the Food Research and Action Center, The work begins with meal planning under the direction of the head cook. The U. Department of Agriculture provides nutrition guidelines that must be taken into account. In addition to helping prepare and serve the food, the food service assistant must be knowledgeable about safety and cleanliness in the kitchen. Duties typically include cleaning the utensils, machines and equipment, storing food properly, and maintaining the correct temperature on the food served. Food service assistants take inventory and keep records. They may serve as cashiers, accepting payments directly from students and making change.

how much money do lunch ladies make

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Certification in food safety or nutrition can be an asset for institutional cafeteria cooks but it is not required. For those who want to join the field above an entry-level position though certification can help. Cooks who take an active role in designing menus or overseeing school lunch programs should seek certification through the ACF. Cafeteria workers typically work full-time but some schools that offer only lunch have part-time positions available. As with any kitchen job cafeteria work does not usually permit much flexibility with hours. Food takes time to prepare and there are no short cuts. However most cooks work with others who will switch shifts or cover for another cook in an emergency. Almost all institutional cafeteria workers work on premises. The specialized nature of kitchen work does not lend itself to off-site work or outsourcing.

Where can a Cafeteria Worker earn more?

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Find jobs Company reviews Laddies salaries. Upload your resume. Sign in. Cafeteria worker Explore career information by location. Search Location. How much does a Cafeteria Worker make in California? Most common benefits Prescription drug insurance Dependent health insurance coverage Employee assistance program Paid sick time Visa sponsorship View more benefits. Where can a Cafeteria Worker earn more? Compare salaries for Cafeteria Workers in different locations. Explore Cafeteria Worker openings Compare.

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