How much money does a metal band make a year

how much money does a metal band make a year

Derek has been in the metal industry for the better part of a decade and currently works for Outerloop Management handling the day-to-day affairs of Dying Fetus, Veil of Maya, Crown the Empire, Volumes and. Were other factors to blame for the relatively small pay afforded an allegedly successful metal band? Most of the consistent money that mid-level metal bands will make will come from touring and merchandise sales. I also have bands that are somewhere in between all of that, but all of them are continuously on the incline and have the potential to become the best at their game. I am going to demonstrate for you just how that happens based on a typical tour budget. Babd also give their former vocalist respect for coming out with a statement that I felt was very personal and detailed. If he felt that he could make a dos life for himself and his family by NOT touring on a full time basis, then more power to him and best of luck with everything he can accomplish in the future. This is an actual tour budget from I that I have personally overseen and put. I feel it is a good representation of what is going on out there, but I want to give a few bullet points first before you dive in. I also factored in a low-end conservative estimate of merch sales from each show, along with the mucg rate that crew members would expect. Each touring entity is different.


A couple of excerpts from the chat follow below. Tim : I’m not sure what to say to those kind of people, because everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I think people are more likely to share their opinion in a more abrasive way on the Internet. Sometimes with the younger, up-and-coming «sceney»-type bands, we recognize that they are drawing a younger, different fan base and that it’s important for us to try and play in front of different audiences. We came out of the New Wave Of American Heavy Metal, and metalcore and that kind of scene, but we don’t consider ourselves locked into one particular genre, we just try to write the best music that we can, and let other people throw the tags on us. It’s like if I want to eat healthy, and someone else doesn’t, were not gonna yell at each other for it. It’s just a difference of opinion, I like chicken and broccoli and someone might be like, «That’s disgusting,» but were not gonna argue over the Internet and call each other terrible names. I view music like that; it’s subjective. There’s no right or wrong answer. Where do you see metal going in the next five or ten years. Do you see a trend?

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In his personal statement, McMahon stated that one of the biggest reasons behind his departure was money. This has brought about much debate regarding how much money artists actually make on tour. Derek Brewer, an employee of Outerloop Management who handles day-to-day affairs for Veil Of Maya, Crown The Empire and others, has written an in-depth op-ed piece for MetalSucks that offers worthwhile insight into the touring life of a mid-size metal band. Additionally, he breaks down a touring budget from that he put together and oversaw. Take a look for yourself below and let us know your thoughts. This is an actual tour budget from I that I have personally overseen and put together. I feel it is a good representation of what is going on out there, but I want to give a few bullet points first before you dive in. I also factored in a low-end conservative estimate of merch sales from each show, along with the typical rate that crew members would expect. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website.

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Thanks for answering my question Dig- I know it was a tad broad, but you did what I knew you could: put it into a perspective that everyone can understand. So now everyone who reads this knows how hard their favorite band works and appreciates those T-shirts, CD’s and stickers that are bought at each show. This was very helpful im starting up a band I got enough lyrics written for an ep I know this thread is old as shit, but I think that it should be mentioned that there are a few other factors now and from then that can add to a bands net worth. Youtube, spotify, twitter, and instagram have provided more means for bands to get some extra cash. Websites like tee spring and patreon also allow the band to make more without investing anywhere near as much. Maybe they’ll have to push out a little behind the scenes stuff or some exclusive content, but it’s definitely better than financing it yourself. The answer to your question about how much bands make can be summed up very succinctly without any. I have interviewed and traveled with them. These guys live third world on the road. Post a Comment. Wednesday, December 08, How much money do metal bands make, really?

Messages: 1, Likes Received: Like one of mine, Symphony X — I know that they tour globaly but I doubt Michael Romeo is going back home to a million dollar house with a Ferrari in the garage as much as he may deserve to They appear to be THE biggest metal band in the world. How much do you think Dickinson makes in a year after touring, having cds sold, merchandise and other stuff? Mindcrime , Feb 4, Evergrey , slumcitysounds and Leetlord like this. Messages: 4, Likes Received: Newer «underground» metal bands like SymX and Nevermore barely make enough to avoid having day jobs and still support a family, if they’re lucky.

Thanks for answering my question Dig- I know it was a tad broad, but you did what I knew you could: put it into a perspective that everyone can understand. So now everyone who reads this knows how hard their favorite band works and appreciates those T-shirts, CD’s and stickers that are bought at each.

This was very helpful im starting up a band I got enough lyrics written for an ep I know this thread is old as shit, but I think that it should be mentioned that there yeag a few other factors now and from then that can add to a bands net worth. Youtube, spotify, twitter, and instagram have provided more means for bands to get some extra cash.

Websites like tee spring and patreon also allow the band to make more without investing anywhere near as. Maybe they’ll have to push out a little behind the scenes stuff or some exclusive content, but it’s definitely better than financing it. The answer to your question about how much bands make can be summed up very succinctly without any. I have interviewed and traveled with. These guys live third world on the road. Post a Comment.

Wednesday, December 08, How much money do metal bands make, really? This may help shed light on how music sales influence tours and what promoters are willing to pay, etc,etc,etc. Tie it together for everyone Dig!! From: slipskak gmail. Its impossible to answer, the phrase «How long is a piece of string?

If signed to a label then the band don’t have to risk any of their own money to do this, because the label will invest bnad the mobey, manufacture and distribution of the record, print the shirtsaswell as pay the huge costs of advertising, marketing and especially touring to boost that bands career.

Some DIY bands do choose to undertake all this work themselves,often financed by a wealthy parent or whatever, but its quite a risky enterprise as its a proven fact that 9 out of 10 bands eventually fail and split. In terms of income levels in the scene, it is massively polarised.

Most bands earn way less than you think, I mean barely on the breadline, but a select few artists at the top of the game earn way more hpw you can ever imagine, a handful are extremely wealthy individuals. Some people in the industry estimate that the total number of musicians actually living from their music is just 30, That’s in all rock type genres.

See report. Thats a measly 0. To be honest its a rare metal band indeed which can operate on a full-time professional basis, ie all the members make their living exclusively from their music. It might seem weird to outsiders, but this is a business where earning a standard level wage from music is actually considered as «making it».

In the modern era where fans download music for free, the main income for bands on this circuit comes from selling T-shirts at gigs and the fees they can command from clubs and promotors to perform. What can appear to be pretty lucrative topline income is often swallowed up by the immense bottom-line costs of touring- tourbus, backline, crew etc- which can be eye-wateringly huge.

Even with biggish fanbases, most bands are barely breaking even on the road. Bands supplement their incomes with part-time jobs or having understanding girlfriends, and getting more common these days is giving music instruction lessons to newcomers, which can be very lucrative. One thing s successful bands have in common is- they are headed by super-smart,tough, ambitious and driven individuals who have worked unbelievably odes at their craft,often toiling away unseen for years before ‘breaking big’- so what can appear like overnight success is nothing of the sort.

Often powerful management or media companies have helped orchestrate their success from behind the scenes aswell. With heavy industry hitters like these backing them, their success was assured from the outset. All monet superstar bands worked their balls off to become so. On rare occasions bands can and do make their fortunes from a pure lucky break. In the mid 90’s London’s cyber-industrial act Cubanate who once toured with Carcass were an outfit struggling to make their name, just like a million.

To pad banx the number of songs available on the game soundtrack 4 Cubanate songs -out of only 10 total- were added. On release the game immediately caused a sensation and became a PlayStation must-have game, selling 6 Million copies very quickly. The first royalty cheque Cubanate received was for a lottery-winning. After this amazing slice of luck, the mainman retired from the biz a rich man, but his band had never mftal any point sold a significant number of CDs.

Nowadays video game companies know the power of their platform and treat the music they place in the game with zero respect- they pay very little for music these days. Topspin CEO Ian Rogers recounts how the chances of making a living from music are very slim -simply because so many others are striving for the same thing, the odds are stacked against you by the intense competition:.

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Posted by Robert Pasbani on January 4, at pm. Derek Brewer is a name you might not exactly be familiar with, but he has managed bands like Dying Fetus and Veil of Maya for Outerloop Managment for the better part of a decade. He posted an incredible editorial over at MetalSucks that is absolutely worth going out of your way to read. The most fascinating part of the article is this detailed breakdown of all potential tour income and expenses. This breakdown assumes you are a mid-level band playing for people a night with a few crew members, renting a van and a trailer. Again, this is not for a band just starting. These are numbers for a band at the level that Thy Art Is Murder got to. Looking to «make it» in the music business? These are the type of financials you can look forward to on a day tour….

