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Things get easier. Buy low and sell high, the basis of market arbitrage since time immemorial. The key market is the one most often played, and the easiest for new traders to get into. This market exists for one reason only: The conversion of zen into EC. The thing is, people are impatient. At the time of this writing, the key price on the exchange is approximately 2. He just spent zen on a stack of keys, and wants his EC now. What does he do? You, as our newly-minted market trader, buy the 2m EC key, and then relist it for 2. I tend to do a regular search round every few hours of all the high ticket items High value traits, such as Wing Commander, Biotech Patch, Helmsman, etc, high value Duty Officers such as Technicians, DCEs, Zemok, Marion, so on and check to see if anything is underlisted. This is where your knowledge about the value of items comes in: Someone just listed an A2B technician for 1m, the same price as the Aux Power While Cloaked technician.
Too Much Money in STO
Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Star Trek Online. Global Achievements. Does anyone know any methods or loopholes to get large amounts of EC in a decent time span? That’s ridiculous! No, i’m not just gonna buy the keys with ZEN, I don’t have that kind of money. Showing 1 — 15 of 26 comments. If there was any fast and easy method to get enough EC to buy a difficult to acquire ship, then the EC price would be proportionally higher. That’s how markets work, generally speaking
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Thanks to a comment from last week’s blog I got the idea to write this blog. Actually I feel like I’ve talked about this once before but what the hell, let’s revisit it! STO currencies are getting out of hand!
Is anyone else out there who was around when we had all of those exploration badges and marks and other nonsense? Remember all those currencies we had? It was insane and way too.
So what did Cryptic do? They combined all of it into a few set of currencies. If I recall correctly it was mainly Energy Credits and Dilithium. Alright fine. We need marks to donate and credits to buy things from the fleet store.
That made perfect sense. What about the introduction of the reputation system? How many more marks are we going to have? Is it ever going to end? Why do we have so many? I’d like to officially make a suggestion for STO currencies and hopefully the almight devs read this and take ideas from it. Let’s keep Energy Credits, Dilithium, and Latinum. I feel they are 3 important currencies. We can keep the Fleet Marks and Fleet Credits because again, it makes perfect sense.
Although honestly if they got rid of Fleet Marks entirely that would be ok too because we really don’t need. Fleet Credits on the other hand is more important.
Now what about those pesky reputaiton marks? The answer is in the question. Instead of Omega, Nukar, Romulan, Dyson. Sure people can stockpile them for use in later reputations but the minimum time it takes to complete the reputation will be the same since the projects have a timer.
It’s not like people with a load of Reputation Marks will have an unfair advantage. That’s currencies compared to the amount we have now and are destined to have if more reputations come to the game. So Cryptic here you go, I just simplified the game for you. Please take this idea free of charge.
Although if you want to throw some Dilithium my way I won’t say no 😀 In the comments let me know what do you think about this idea? Is my suggestion good? Should we have less than 5 or 6? Hurry and let me know! Time is money! Dude I’m glad I could help with this topic. I’m actually in favour for a universal marks.
It can be used for ALL stf’s and should be converted to fleet credit. We should get a bit more per STF. I thing currently it can vary per STF.
But I still don’t want the dilithium but if we did I think that we should get more so that the grind isn’t so long. Definition: Reputation: The estimation or name of being, having, having done. If one only does STF’s, how does one gain a reputation in Nukara, etc? The idea about separate marks how do you make money in star trek online to get you to play the content. Fleet marks come from Fleet events i.
Too many players want to specialize — space only, no ground. Makes you play ground missions to gain the very rare materials needed to craft. Players at max level are always asking for content. In my opinion, there is plenty of content. If you take away the necessity to visit New Romulus or Tau Dawa, then what is the purpose of the creating the content and the associated marks?
Well the problem would be that with universal rep marks people would only do ISE for all reps, unless they would limit the number of ISEs as an example you could do to get the rep mark to once a day, then you’ll have to do other maps.
In all honesty, I would prefer to have universal Marks as. Of course, this would mean to introduce something similar for the New Romulus and Nukara Strike Force Reputations for balance. I agree with everything Attilio is saying other than, for me, Latinum is simply a gimmick to separate the suckers from their Energy Credits. It can only be used to buy vanity items that do nothing for your ability to play the game.
Viewed as a form of currency, Reputation Marks are way too complicated. Having one form of marks would simplify the game immensely without making it overly easy to advance your reputation. As for the idea that having one type would discourage people from playing the various Reputation content, I beleve people will plaay whatyever parts of the game they want to play. You can get almost every type of mark now simply by doing the right PvE missions.
For instance, I’ve almost completed tier five in Nukara just by doing the Chrystaline Entity mission. I’ve got several toons at tier five Omega doing Infected:Conduit. Anyone can do it. I think the universal marks are a great idea.
I’m trying to grind up marks for various sets and console, but it takes so long because I do all the missions and then have to wait for the timeout to finish. Davistator says it well to me.
With the current format, expect several more Rep Marks in the future. I do not consider Rep Marks to be «currency», per se.
I cannot use Dyson Marks for anything but Dyson gear naturally. Rep Marks are designed to focus the player into specific content. From my point of views, players want it and rewards from the content. So, Cryptic has devised a way to «force» players to play specific content to get at specific rewards.
Thus, if I don’t want to play Omega-style content, then I will not be able to get Omega-styled rewards. I do not think this is unfair at all. So I am opposed to the idea of Universal Marks, yet again it’s not currency to me. The reputation mark system should stay. As far as Cryptic «forcing» people into specific content, I disagree. It’s a game.
No one is «forced» into. You can see the idea behind the mark system: if you’re interested in battling the Tholians, here’s a whole series of scenarios to do it in. And just to keep it interesting, here’s a reputation system to help you get better and better at battling Tholians. If all marks were the same, I wouldn’t need to absorb any of the «flavor» that goes along with each specific reputation.
I’d just mechanically grind out the easiest ones and skip some potentially engaging content. You can always try content in a reputation system and decide that grinding it is not worth it. As far as the multiple currencies in the game, what difference does it make if there are two or twenty? It all boils down to: I want that thing. What kind of currency and how much does it cost? What do I need to do to get that currency so I can buy that thing I want? It doesn’t really matter if it’s lobi crystals or latinum, energy credits, or dilithium.
If you want that thing bad enough, you’ll grind out the currency, doing even the dumbest of tasks if you want that thing bad. But maybe it shouldn’t be a grind to begin. Maybe it’s a game and people should appreciate that it’s a leisure activity. If it’s boring, don’t do it.
In summary, having different currencies and reputation marks in the game encourages diversity of experience. If there was only one currency, some people would just stick to the most efficient way of generating that currency and never experience the breadth and depth of a truly engaging game.
And that would be their loss. The goal of this or any other MMO should be to bring as many different players together and present them with as many different experiences as possible, so they can all find something they enjoy and explore it.
I feel the same about the rep marks. I also feel Dilithium and latinum should be switched since that would be considered canon to Trek. In the game, we spend more dil than latinum whereas in Trek it was the opposite.
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