Do aerospace engineers make a lot of money

do aerospace engineers make a lot of money

Skip navigation! Census — w ith the hope it will give women insight into how to better navigate their own career and salary trajectories. Today, we chat with a system engineer from Denver, CO. As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? I have always been drawn to the idea of being an important woman in charge of things. What did you study in college? In the first two years of my career, I got a master’s certificate in the same field through a development program.

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After reading this, you will be able to make a decision if working as an Aerospace Engineer will suit your financial goals e. One of the most popular questions we get from our readers here at OwlGuru is how much do Aerospace Engineers make per year and what is their hourly wage. Just like any other job, the salary of An Aerospace Engineer will vary based on your education and experience level. We wanted to make it easy for our readers to compare the salary of An Aerospace Engineer to all the other careers out there. So we created Salary Rank. This compares the salary of all careers and we give them a rank of A, B, C or D depending on how high or low is their average salary. After comparing how much do Aerospace Engineers make with other careers, they have a salary rank of A. Interested in the career of an Aerospace Engineer?

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All rights reserved. Use of this site indicates your consent to the Terms of Use. Login with Facebook. Remember Me? By logging into your account, you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policyand to the use of cookies as described. Mark Forums Read. A lot of money???? Thread Tools.

The hippy. Not quite true hippy. Still a lot of money. FLS Industies have stated in a staff newsletter that they continue to back the aerospace. Head Honcho Stefan Harporth has shouldered responsibility and committed hari kari quit. His successor is to be announced shortly. FLS are firmly committed to becoming the Worlds 1 maintenance provider and have a bottomless pit of money to help.

If they FLS are so good, why, when I ask people who have worked there, contract or permenant, are they to a man, glad to leave? One bloke says that he will never fly Ryanair as he knows how scantily maintained the Ryanair aircraft are. What have FLS to say about that? So it looks like even more money now! Aren’t they the lot that made a load of ex Dan Air engineers redundant?

Still it was nice to hear how well they treated these people I’d rather sweep streets than work for. They got it for a song. The Irish Government would have given TEAM away for nothing just to get rid of the headache of approx guaranteed jobs for life. I suppose that with the millstone of debt firmly wrapped round the neck of FLS they won’t be buying Britannia’s heavy maintenance then! I have never heard anything good about FLS.

I think that FLS are brilliant!!! We made quite a bit of money fixing up aircraft that went through FLS for maintenance. View Public Profile. Find More Posts by Blacksheep. You are not wrong there Blacksheep. When ever FLS is around, you better hide your aeroplane. FLS management are jumping ship. When that starts happening its time to go.

It used to be a good place to work, producing a quality product. Now nobody has a good word to say about the place.

What went so badly wrong that even the senior management are leaving? I heard a rumour that a ‘Major’ player left and said he’d give stansted a year. Sour grapes, or a crap rumour? Reading between the lines, the beancounters at FLS want it to make a paper loss, so that the giant cement company can get some sort of tax break. It doesn’t seem they want to make the place a pleasant environment to work in judging by the comments I hear from people who have left.

I dont think it’s quite like. As stated earlier, after the losses were announced the head man committed hari kari. Now a new head man is in and people are falling fast. In the last week 4 senior management have been relieved of their duties: Component Overhaul Manager Vice President Aircraft Maint Group Finance Director Company Secretary There is much blood on the diamond hangar floor with promises of more to come Posting Rules.

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When most people think of internships, low pay often comes to mind. But aerospace engineering internships are relatively close to the U. Like a regular job, location affects the wages of internships. First jobs out of college are notoriously low paying, even after completing an internship. Throughaerospace engineers can anticipate job opportunities to grow by as much as 5 percent, reports the BLS. This is less than half the growth anticipated for all U. With roughly 81, aerospace engineers currently working in the nation, a growth rate of 5 percent works out to 4, new positions. Expect additional openings from workers retiring or leaving the field. Based in Minneapolis, Minn. Prior to this, Severson worked as a manager of business development for a marketing company, developing targeted marketing campaigns for Big G, Betty Crocker and Pillsbury, among. Skip to main content. Local Variances Like a regular job, location affects the wages of internships. Starting Salaries First jobs out of college are notoriously low paying, even after completing an internship.

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Were you the kind of kid who drew airplanes and spacecraft all over your English papers? A career as an aerospace engineer could fit you perfectly since these professionals design and test aircraft, spacecraft, satellites and missiles for a living, and a very good living at. Aerospace engineers design machines that fly above the earth, every type of craft from missiles and airplanes to space shuttles and satellites. Aerospace engineers also develop the defense systems of the nation. They test their products, not ejgineers traveling to space but through computer modeling. You’ll need to go to college to work in this career. Aerospace engineers must have at least a bachelor’s degree and often receive it in some type of engineering, either mechanical, electric or aerospace.
